Qualifications of the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers – G1, G2, G3
We run courses on G1, G2, G3 qualifications, also for people with no electrical training.
We run courses on operation and supervision. Passing the exam before the qualification committee results in a certificate of qualifications of the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers relevant to the course.
Electrical courses G1
Who are they addressed to?
For those involved in operation and/ or supervision:
- electricity installations and networks (operation, maintenance, assembly, measurements and control)
- devices generating, processing, transferring and consuming electricity
- other electricity devices (e.g. networks, devices and systems with voltage up to and above 1 kV, electrothermal devices, for electrolysis, street lighting).
G2 energy courses
The courses are addressed to people involved in the operation and/ or supervision of equipment, heating systems and networks (service, maintenance, repairs, assembly, inspections/ measurements), for devices generating, processing, transferring and consuming heat and other energy devices (e.g. steam boilers, water boilers for solid, liquid and gas fuels, heat exchangers, industrial furnaces, steam and water turbines, etc.)
G2 energy courses
The courses are intended for people involved in the operation and/ or supervision of gas equipment, systems and networks (operation, maintenance, renovations, assembly, inspection/ measurements), for equipment producing, processing, transferring and consuming gas as well as other gas equipment, systems and networks (e.g. gas fuel storage equipment, gas fuel production equipment, gas generators, industrial gas fuel receivers over 50 kW).